There are times when the applicant believes that the application is ready and that all documents have been obtained only to discover and realize that there is still a document or two missing or forms which have yet to be accomplished.
To help the UK Visa applicant, ECO-Friendly came up with some tips which could be used by the applicant as a guide in preparing and filing for the UK Spouse Visa or UK Fiancée Visa application.
ECO-Friendly Tip No. 1. MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE FILING THE CORRECT TYPE OF APPLICATION. In selecting the type of visa being applied for in the online application, there are instances when the applicant from the Philippines chooses the MARRIAGE option in the dropdown list instead of the SPOUSE option when applying as the wife of the British sponsor.
ECO-Friendly would like to emphasize that the SPOUSE option is for applicants who want to enter the UK as the wife of the British sponsor while the MARRIAGE option should be selected if the applicant is the fiancée of the British sponsor.
Eco-Friendly Tip No. 2. MAKE SURE TO ATTACH ALL THE FORMS REQUIRED. Aside from the Online VAF4A application form, there are certain forms like the Appendix 2-VAF4A Financial Form that also need to be attached with the application.
There are several types of Appendices which should be attached to the application depending on the type of visa applied for. An example is the Appendix 1-VAF4A which should be filed by an applicant applying for an entry clearance as the adult dependant relative of a person who is present and settled in the UK, an adult dependant relative of a person with permission to stay in the UK as a refugee or under humanitarian protection or a child of a settled parent or with one parent who has permission to stay in the UK as a partner or parent given before 9 July 2012.
Aside from the Appendices, the applicant must also attach various forms required by the UK Embassy’s receiving office which can be obtained over the counter at the receiving office or which can be furnished by immigration consultants like ECO Immigration Consultancy.
ECO-Friendly Tip No. 3. ATTACH A COMPLETE AND SUFFICIENT SET OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. The most common reason or ground for refusal is lack of supporting documents. Every applicant for the UK Spouse Visa or UK Fiancée Visa from the Philippines must understand that the approval or denial of a UK Settlement Visa application depends on his or her ability to convince the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) of their eligibility and qualification.
Being a document-based application, the only way an ECO can determine the eligibility of an applicant is through the documents attached in the application which will support the allegation of the applicant that he or she is qualified. This is the very reason why the documents are called “supporting documents.”
One classic example: If the applicant from the Philippines fails to support her claim that her British fiancée or spouse was previously divorced by not attaching the Divorce Decree of the sponsor, what will be the basis of the ECO in believing her claim that the previous marriage of her British boyfriend or husband in the UK has been duly terminated legally by the UK courts?
Another example: UKVI rules require that the salary or monthly pay of the British partner must be proven. Since pay slips are easily manipulated and printed, the UKVI demands additional proof of receipt of this income other than the pay slips.
Thus, in order to support receipt of such monthly salary, it is always prudent that aside from the pay slips, the Filipina applicant should also present at least the bank statements of her British fiancée or partner or spouse for the six (6) months prior to the filing of the application, and in order to make it easy for the ECO to examine the bank statement, the amount and date of each month’s salary received should be highlighted by the applicant.
ECO-Friendly Tip No. 4. ONCE THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN FILED, RELAX AND JUST WAIT FOR THE DECISION. LEAVE EVERYTHING ELSE TO YOUR IMMIGRATION CONSULTANT. Most applicants adhere to this suggestion and just take their time to enjoy their last and remaining days in their home country the Philippines and take it easy.
After several weeks or even months of preparing the application, getting hold of the supporting documents, attending seminars, completing the exams required and accomplishing the applications, the applicant should just calm down, unwind and loosen up.
The whole process of filing a UK Spouse Visa or UK Fiancée Visa could really wear down the applicant and it would not be good and will not in any way help or increase the chances of approval of the application if they continue to be stressed and worrisome during the waiting period.
The best thing the Filipina applicant can do is think positive, take a breather and enjoy her remaining days in the Philippines with her family.
ECO-Friendly does not recommend the applicant to continue researching about the application process since the application has been submitted. What the applicant should do is just trust in her immigration consultancy and ensure that her days with her family while she is in the Philippines is happy and unforgettable.
ECO-Friendly Tip No. 5. ONCE THE DECISION IS RECEIVED AND THE APPLICATION APPROVED, DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE THE CFO SEMINAR. All Filipinos traveling abroad to migrate and join their spouses based in a foreign country are required to take the Guidance and Counseling session at the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO).
ECO-Friendly would like to stress that UK Settlement Visa holders going out of the country without securing the Guidance and Counseling Certificate (GCC) will not be allowed to leave the Philippines by the immigration officials at the airport without the GCC.
It is therefore very essential that before scheduling and purchasing the plane ticket to the UK, the UK Spouse Visa or UK Fiancée Visa holders be already armed with the GCC secured from the CFO.