Manila, Philippines - A complete and comprehensive list of supporting documents attached to the application for the UK Spouse Visa, UK Fiancée Visa or any other UK Settlement Visa is the best and most effective way of obtaining a favorable decision.
Applicants from the Philippines must understand that no matter how accurate and correct all their answers to the application may be, if the documents enclosed in the application are insufficient and do not show that they are truly eligible for the visa applied for, the result may not be satisfactory.
ECO-Friendly therefore advises applicants for the UK Spouse Visa, UK Fiancée Visa or any other UK Settlement Visa that the main issue which they must consider when coming up with the list of supporting documents is that it must confirm or verify their answers in the application.
As an example, if in the application, the applicant is asked where they plan to live in the UK, the right answer is of course, the UK address where they intend to reside. Now, to support this answer, the main document would be the title to the said property, under the name of the British partner/sponsor.
But what if the house is not owned by the sponsor but simply rents it? Then the next best evidence would be the Tenancy Agreement. To support this answer, it is better to likewise attach the utility bills for the house, pictures, and other proof like letters where the address of the house is indicated.
After the application has been filed with the UK Embassy’s receiving office in the Philippines and supporting documents sent to the Sheffield Office, it is now the Entry Clearance Officer's (ECO’s) responsibility to determine and assess the eligibility of the applicant for the UK Spouse Visa or UK Fiancée Visa by examining the supporting documents attached.
At this point, the ECO needs to verify the truthfulness of each document by inspecting each paper attached with the application. Every document is scrutinized individually and undergoes an authentication process called DOCUMENT VERIFICATION.
According to the guidelines issued by the Home Office, DOCUMENT VERIFICATION is defined as “…the process decision makers use to check that a document provided by an applicant in support of their application (qualifications, funds, sponsorship) is genuine. For example, that a bank statement showing funds are held by an applicant, or a certificate showing a qualification was awarded a specific institution is correct.”
It is therefore not a good idea to submit forged or spurious documents because if it is proven fake after the document verification by the ECO, the application will definitely be in danger of being refused,
There are actually two kinds of refusal: the mandatory, and the discretionary (this will be one of the topic of our next blog)
ECO-Friendly reiterates that it is better to explain why a particular document was not attached to the application, rather than produce and affix a completely fabricated document because a ten-year ban or even a lifetime ban may be imposed on the UK Spouse Visa or UK Fiancée Visa applicant who submits a falsified or spurious documents with the UK Home Office.
For assistance in applying for a UK Spouse Visa, UK Fiancee Visa, any other UK Settlement Visa or a UK Visit Visa, please do not hesitate to contact us by clicking the ECO-Friendly contact box below.